Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

~Yes, I know it's been forever and a day since I've posted on this little blog o' mine!  This was due partially to technical issues and partially to my own laziness.  But with a new year come new resolutions, one of mine being to visit this little space more often so I can have a nice record of what our family has been up to.  "But we're already into February, and aren't New Year's resolutions meant to begin at the start of the year?"  You may think that, but I needed to get some other goals in line first, like creating a better daily routine and trying to be more organized.  Anyway, blah blah blah, the point is that hopefully I will get my bottom in gear and update more frequently!~ 

We have been having a rough winter this year in these here parts!  Although I reveled in every snow day as a child, I have become a typical grumpy old lady when it comes to winter weather.  I can't wait for winter to be over!  My children, however, have been really enjoying the snowy weather, so here's a few peeks into the two biggest snowfalls we've had.  This first day was back in November, and it was the first time I brought Henry-boy out to play in the snow.  The big kids had so much fun watching him.  He loved it, even when the cold wind blew bits of snow into his face!  At first he just sat and looked around, then eventually got the confidence to crawl into it a little.  It was adorable, as you can see!

You gotta love the snowsuit with little buds for hands.  :)

The snow was so deep for the little guy!

This was right after getting some snow blown into his face, hence the puzzled expression! Sienna loves this picture.  Poor little guy!

Sienna and Charlie had a lot of fun that day too.  I love this shot of the two of them.

It is hard to get a photo with all three children smiling!  Henry was just starting to get fed up with being in the snow so this was the best I could get. 

Big snow day #2 was just a couple of weeks ago.  Henry was napping this time around, but some friends from down the road came over to help us build a snowman.  I think this is the biggest snowman we've ever made - it was taller than Sienna!  It was our little friend's idea to stick the umbrella on top, "To keep him from getting snow on him."  Hmmm...we want to prevent the snowman from getting snowed on?  I guess that's some 4-year-old wisdom that I don't know about.  :)


Charlie was being a pirate.  Arrrrrr!  Which makes me think of a joke my mother-in-law told him: "Why are pirates so cool?  Because they arrrrrr!"  Cute, right?  Charlie can't remember the punchline though - he always says, "Because they say arrrrrr."  heehee. 

Hope you're staying warm this winter!

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